We are here to talk about agriculture and its problems, as for many years. 

Usually we talk in the family, among friends. Today we will talk about it here, together, because this is and will be our strength: aggregation.  What we will discuss today is the network contract between farms, that is, the tool that allows us to aggregate, to have visibility as a group of agricultural entrepreneurs with a legal character.

We immediately say that every farm maintains its total individuality from both a legal, economic and financial point of view.  This allows the farmers to make our cultural choices, to participate in the programs proposed from time to time but also to terminate the contract, if you wish, without penalties.

The network contract is governed by law n.33 of 2009 and its subsequent amendments. Following the legislation a "light" network is created, also called "contract network", which has the value of a legal instrument and will be registered with the Chamber of Commerce. However, it will not be a new company but a group of existing companies, so no additional costs, no tax regime.  This group of companies will create a common body that mainly carries out two types of activities: one within the network acting as an organizer / coordinator between the agricultural companies for production;  the other towards the outside, presenting our products for marketing also through the internationalization program. 

In fact, our goal, as a network of companies, is to compete on the national and international markets, proposing genuine and healthy certified products. The producer and the consumer thus meet in the same objective: quality, giving added value to the product through the network contract.  In order to recognize and appreciate our products, we have created a farm brand, Farm and Co., a symbol of quality in the tradition of Alfred, the timeless mentor. 

We will have to exploit all the opportunities offered by the network contract to reduce costs, introduce innovative techniques and be more competitive on national and international markets. 

This reasoning is not totally new, but the innovation and competitiveness of the network are in fact doing it together with a unique voice that will be received with more value and respect. 

The other element of strength of the network is the flexibility both in the selection of the participating companies according to their purpose, both in the number and in the timing of adhesion.